SHEIKH SALEH AL-BAZAI won many awards and was an official sponsor of many sports clubs. Al-Bazai was ranked first in agencies in customer satisfaction with maintenance, and Al-Baza
- Official patron of the first forum of directors of industrial, architectural, construction institutes and professional military training held at the Royal industrial in Riyadh, {during the period 12-13/1/1436} Hijri.
- Best sales Award for Toyota Coaster for first half of 1982{from Toyota Motor Company -Japan}.
- Active participate in the success of International Day for The Defense of the City under the Salameh logo at the site of work {Ministry of Interior, Directorate of Civil Defense, Riyadh region and Kharg}.
- Sponsorship hoc committee for shopping Centers at Riyadh city during the period, 02/09 - 24/09/1433 Hijri {Riyadh Secondary Industrial Institute}.
- Obtaining distinction, the package of tourist services guides and maps at the General Authority for Tourism and Antiquities for the year 2009-2010.
- Participation in an awareness-raising campaign to instill public safety concepts, Directorate-General for Civil Defense, Ministry of the Interior.
- Getting a shield for the first issue of the Knights of DEA.
- Distinguished participation {as a golden sponsor} in the symposium on security for everyone’s issue at its first annual session {community policing applications} general security, from 11 – 14 Muharram1429.
- To obtain better survey evaluations and best practices before and after the sale of Toyota vehicles, according to a study from the Arabic Rai newspaper, the financial and economic newspaper and the VIP newspaper.
- Participation in the exhibition of achievements of the leaders of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - the Ministry of Defense - and the Presidency of the General Staff.